Frequently Asked Questions

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We have a good number of trademan and this list can vary from time to time.  Please see our NAICS list for current competencies.

While guaranteeing a project is a bit abritrary, FPB guarantees our work, both materials and labor for 1 year. If you have specific warranty needs, such as a 3-year warranty, please let use know.

Over man years, Fast Path Builders has built many structures from plan development, engineering, permitting, site approval though obtaining the Certificate of Occupancy and even service maintenance after construction.  Simply let us know what’s needed.

Yes and no.  It’s always better to have a written plan than no plan.  However, our team of specialists can help write-up or complete your plan or vision. So, if you have plans or a specification or don’t have anything, FPB can help.

Historically, from a numerical perspective, we’ve built more houses or residences than commercial structures.  However, our most recent commercial project was a $4M church. 

We like to be challenged.  However, we like to be smart about what projects we work.
Our recent work has been with green building technologies including SCIP panels and AAC block. The technologies replace the traditional wood construction for both residential and commercial construction.
We suggest giving us a call and let’s explore what your vision is and we it we can bring it into reality for you.

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